Annual letter to the benefactors and partners (2020)

Dear benefactors, dear partners,

Since its creation, thanks to you, Transmission Lab have communicated to more than 100.000 firm leaders and have united more than 700 of them on the main issue that embodies the transmission. In Paris, in regions, we spoke in conferences and workshops to raise awareness among entrepreneurs on the necessity to anticipate the transmission and then enable them to make their creation durable, to safeguard the employments, to galvanise the territory. Our researches and studies realized with renowned Institutes arouse support and call to mind.

Tomorrow, it is to carry out this message higher and stronger to jam the firms’ disparitions, the failures of take-overs, the forgotten expertise and the lost employments.

Transmission Lab thanks every donator, benefactor and partner without whom nothing would be possible.

Retour en images des 5 ans de Transmission Lab chez Christie’s le 18 Novembre 24