When leaders do not transmit their firm anymore…

As a major issue, the succession concerns every year a firm over thirty in France. Yet, firm leaders are not that well-prepared to what they have to do and the sales-transmissions are continuously decreasing (BPCE Observatory 2019).

Many reasons were observed :

  • The leaders’ aging is increasing and brings about more closures than firm transmissions. « Before 65, the will to transmit exists and fulfills. After, it withers and solutions reduce »
  • Economic conditions require to transmit rapidly in a hyperconected world to hold the international competition, while becoming an expert of tax law issues.

Solutions exist :

  • Accompany the SMBs transmission : in France, it raises and represents 1/3 of the transmissions. Moreover it is higher than the frontier countries average as it corresponds to nearly 16 000 files per year against 12 500 in United Kingdom, 10 800 in Italy and 8400 in Spain.
  • Facilitate the familiar transmission : most effective transmission, we observe in Germany that it reaches the 26 000 files per year.
  • Raise awareness with the input of good practices, options, studies and exchanges between peers.



Retour en images des 5 ans de Transmission Lab chez Christie’s le 18 Novembre 24