Reasons to be hopeful at the dawn of the crisis

Leading a firm involves responsibilities and duties, especially during crisis time. The growth or the transmission are generally the support of organizational disruptions, behind the economic and social weakening of the firm. Nevertheless, they also embody the possibility of a positive shift. Indeed, the term « crisis » refers to a duality in the Chinese ideogram between the idea of danger and the idea of opportunity.

Crisis plays with time, it is unpredictable and lightning. The anticipation and the development of resilience mechanisms in the firm are perhaps the best weapons to stem, with more or less efficiency, the circumstantial effects of a crisis. Because on the long-time, firms are facing extreme uncertainties and black swans, in other words events considered unlikely nay abstruse but yet devastator. The current Covid-19 crisis is unfortunately the best illustration of it.

Dubard Barbosa, S. (2018). Pour construire la résilience des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux. Entreprendre & Innover, 39(4), 10-19. doi:10.3917/entin.039.0010.


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