Creating, being a manager, developing… it’s already transmitting !

CREATING a firm it’s already transmitting a conviction, an idea, a vision that, little by little, turn into either project, teams, products or tangible services…

BEING A MANAGER in a firm is again transmitting to one’s collaborators the will to develop, innovate, fight the risks…

DEVELOPING, rise, grow up, it’s always transmitting the collective will to see further together, to conquer much larger territories, spaces still unexplored…

Then, why, when it’s about transmitting this time the firm to the a new generation, employees, a buyer, does the owner-manager’s creator energy tend too often to dissolve and disappear ?

The owner-manager’s mission is indeed always a transmission, on each step. Prepare to the everyday life the future of one’s company is then a necessity, as essential as positive.

Retour en images des 5 ans de Transmission Lab chez Christie’s le 18 Novembre 2