There is no sustainable growth without anticipated transmission

We all are in need of growth, and we dream about a sustainable growth for our firms.
What could be more legitimate ?

But, to be truly possible, and on a long-term plan, the growth supposes that we think the transmission too ! That means that we should know straightaway the firm far beyond our inner ambition horizon…

If we are not on our guard, the transmission is unavoidably going to happen, and always too quickly. If we did not prepare it, perspectives risk not to be the same, and the defense of our ideas, values, staff member, projects, even more unpredictable.

For our intention to be truly transmitted, and thus sustainable, we must ensure its continuity. From now on, for the best. Because it is our œuvre and our property.

Retour en images des 5 ans de Transmission Lab chez Christie’s le 18 Novembre 2